Dancing Freedom

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'I have a totally new understanding of who I am. I HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE MY LIFE, and the knowledge that I am supported by love to make these changes! I am ready to move forward from a trust in my own light and power.'

- Roko Ona, M.D. (Tokyo)

'I was guided towards profound insights that have shifted both my understanding of myself and my way of being on this planet.'

- Justin Caruso, Yoga Teacher (NYC)

'It was like the dam broke, and everything came out to be healed. I felt totally revealed and safe in the nurturing space you created. We went so deep, and yet it was so easy. Thank you'

- Shela Tarwater, Paralegal (Florida)

'I am claiming and remembering my power. I am remembering to listen for my inner guidance. I am remembering the language of my heart. I have ALL the power within me NOW. I remember I am the ONE I had been waiting for. I carry this message with me every day!'

- Meghan Dwyer, Raw Food Chef  (Sedona)